Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest branches of Engineering. It is also known as ‘mother’ branch of engineering. It is most fundamental field of engineering.
It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery. Mechanical engineering is the branch that applies the physics, principles of engineering and materials science for the manufacturing, analysis, design and maintenance of mechanical systems.
Mechanical engineers design machines and mechanical systems, engines, motor vehicles, aircraft, satellites, power plants, building energy systems, manufacturing systems, robots, control systems, medical equipment, and consumer products.
This field encompasses a very broad range of subject areas including fluids, controls, design, materials, machines, structures, energy and manufacturing, and biomedical engineering. They are involved in the production of metals, molded metals, alloys and advanced materials, manufactured goods and computer components, machine tools and industrial supplies. Their products are as diverse as a computer disk drive, an automobile, an aircraft engine or an artificial heart or kidney.
All the courses are in Mechanical Engineering based on pure Mathematics and logic of Physics (laws, theorems logics and concepts).
Mechanical engineering graduates are sought by employers in almost all sectors of the engineering industry. These include:
Department runs B.Tech. program which is a four-year course oriented undergraduate program. For this the course work is spread across all the 8 semesters. These courses are taught here towards the fulfillment of the degree requirements and include a set of core subjects which are prescribed by the RTU university syllabus as well offers some departmental electives and open electives. In addition, the programme curriculum includes 60 days of industrial Training after VI semester and students take-up projects in batches from the seventh semester to finally complete it in their eight semester.
So there is wide scope of job avenues for Mechanical Engineers in India. Few job avenues are highlighted below: