B.Tech 1st Year Student visited BSNL Pali. Engineers at BSNL office explained working of various devices to students in details.
Date: 02 November 2018
Place: BSNL exchange, Pali (E-10B exchange and C-DOT exchange)
Total no. of students: 39 (B.Tech. I Year)
Faculty coordinators during visit:
1. Mr. Sangram Singh (Assistant Professor, ME Department)
2. Mr. Vijay Jangid (Assistant Professor, Physics Department)
The department of first year organized an industrial visit for one-day visit to BSNL exchange, Pali. This visit was organized on 02 November 2018 for the class of B.Tech. I year. This visit was conducted by Kapil Dave (I Year, In-charge) along with Mr. Sangram Singh (Assistant Professor, ME Department) and Mr. Vijay Jangid (Assistant Professor, Physics Department).
The One-day visit was organized with prior permission from BSNL office, Pali. The chief objective of the visit was to make students aware of Optical Fiber communication, Broadband, C-DOT, FTTH, Wi-Fi, Networking and History of Telecommunication. On behalf of the company, a warm welcome was accorded by Mr. Mohan Lal Raso (ADM, BSNL-Pali).
The sessions conducted by Mr. Mohan Lal Raso (ADM, BSNL-Pali) were very educational and gave the students the exposure as to how the exchange and the broadband services work.
The students were benefited with the technical terms and the knowledge of how a call setup is made using Landline and mobile phones. They were also briefed about how transmission of data takes place between IPV4 and IPV6. In OFC Laboratory they learnt about the Transmitters, Receivers, types of Fiber Cables, amplifiers & parameters of working. The company outreach plus opportunities were discussed which motivated the students to progress in their stream.
No Actvity has been scheduled for upcoming days.